Cibo celebrates its 75th anniversary in 2024
It’s not an anniversary without a party!
Although we are highlighting many things about our 75th anniversary throughout this festive year, we feel that there must be one moment when we can raise a glass together with clients and employees. From the most loyal customer to the closest neighbor, everyone was invited to our offices in Tildonk at the end of April. It was a pleasant get-together where we reminisced and made new memories. Thanks to everyone who was able to attend, we enjoyed it!

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Happy 75th anniversary
This year, we’re celebrating – but it’s you we’d like to thank!
There’s nothing more fun than a good party, especially when it’s a time of looking proudly back at many years of growth and success. At Cibo, our focus has always been first and foremost on our customers. Maybe that’s why we’ve done so well for three quarters of a century?
And that’s why we’d like to make a special point during this anniversary year of thanking all of you who have put our Cibo products to work as you strive for a better finish: a big thank you to all our loyal customers! We’ll toast to the next 75 years!
And that’s why we’d like to make a special point during this anniversary year of thanking all of you who have put our Cibo products to work as you strive for a better finish: a big thank you to all our loyal customers! We’ll toast to the next 75 years!
75 years of Cibo
We’re using this stylish logo to put a spotlight on our customers and products. Wherever you see this 75-years logo, you can expect to learn more about our history and our exciting plans for the future.
No, thank YOU!
Nobody can run a business in isolation. Our team and our customers are the essential ingredients of our enduring success. That’s why we’re delighted to express our appreciation for everyone who has been a part of that success. So rather than just preening ourselves – we’re thanking you!
Ten years of Rebel One
When we look back over the years, a few of our Cibo products stand out far above the rest. One that we’re particularly proud to give podium space to is Rebel One. This product was first developed in-house over a decade ago and it’s been proving its innovative character ever since.
New suit ordered
We love to look back at our history – partly for reasons of nostalgia; partly to learn from the past. But we also love to look forward, so we’ve been working hard on developing our ‘3.0’ strategy. One element of this involves updating our visual identity so it’s fit for the future! So, we’ve commissioned a ‘new suit’ for Cibo, with bespoke tailoring based on our company DNA and vision. More on this coming soon!

It all began with wax and beeswax.
The name Cibo is a reference to the company’s beginnings, when we were founded in 1948 by Granny Gilles. A talented chemist, she launched a one-woman business for self-polishing floor cleaning products. Floor cleaning was quickly followed by a much wider range of wood-finishing products.
Watch the video below to understand how Cibo came to be.
Watch the video below to understand how Cibo came to be.
Growing, shining out, and innovating
A product line developed entirely in-house for finishing stainless steel: yes, we’re talking about Rebel One, which has been known and loved by the industry for over a decade. We handle production of the base materials for our unitized products 100% in house. That way, we can guarantee absolutely consistent quality – for proof, look no further than the fact that the Rebel One range is used for finishing surgical instruments and medical implants.
Next generation
Sanding and polishing techniques evolve over time. At Cibo, we know this and we’re always on the lookout for new technology that will help shape the future of our products. We believe strongly that the future lies in automated finishing processes and that’s why we’re investing in our daughter company Cibo Robotics.
Cibo Robotics