General information

Antistatic technology.

All paper abrasive belts supplied by Cibo are perfected with our antistatic technology.

Smart abrasives

During the sanding process, the abrasive dust is positively charged, while the machine, abrasive belt and workpiece are negatively charged. This effect is particularly strong when working with materials like wood, polyester, or paints and varnishes. Opposite charges attract, so the abrasive dust adheres strongly to the sanding machine and abrasive belt, and to the workpiece, and can be very hard to vacuum off. Antistatic production technology is the solution to this problem. When sandpaper has been manufactured using this smart technology, the abrasive dust does not become significantly electrically charged, and it is spectacularly easy to suction it off.

There are several advantages to this approach:

  • The abrasive belt has a longer lifespan. As it does not get clogged up so quickly, the grain retains its abrasive capacity better.

  • A finer finish can be achieved.

  • Lower maintenance and energy costs.

  • Safer, more comfortable working environment.


Grinding aids

The purpose of grinding aids is three-pronged: to reduce heat production during sanding, to avoid the grain becoming clogged up, and to enhance the abrasive properties of the abrasive material.
Zinc stearate: this coating is used above the top adhesive layer and reduces friction in the contact zone. As a result, the grain does not get clogged up so quickly and less heat is generated during the abrasive process.
Chemical coatings: generally based on potassium or sodium. These coatings are either added to the top adhesive layer, or applied as a third coating after the top adhesive layer. They are minerals chosen for their capacity to prevent heat production and avoid contamination. This helps boost the overall yield of the abrasive.
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Traditional abrasives